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TV シネマ

[すべて] TV シネマの商品検索結果

  • Yahoo! Yahoo!ショッピング(ヤフー ショッピング)CINEMAS+MAGAZINE no.01
    Yahoo! Yahoo!ショッピング(ヤフー ショッピング)

    シリーズ名等:TVガイドMOOK 通巻138号
    キーワード:CINEMAS+MAGAZINEno.01 しねまずぷらすまがじん1 シネマズプラスマガジン1

    シリーズ名等:TVガイドMOOK 通巻138号
    キーワード:CINEMAS+MAGAZINEno.01 しねまずぷらすまがじん1 シネマズプラスマガジン1

  • Yahoo! Yahoo!ショッピング(ヤフー ショッピング)楽譜 本当にやさしく弾ける!はじめてのピアノ名曲20(2)(全曲安心のドレミふりがな&指番号つき)
    楽譜 本当にやさしく弾ける!はじめてのピアノ名曲20(2)(全曲安心のドレミふりがな&指番号つき)
    Yahoo! Yahoo!ショッピング(ヤフー ショッピング)

    関連words:リットーミュージック/■知っておきたいピアノのこと/・姿勢の作りかた/椅子をえらぶ/・鍵盤と楽譜の対照表/指番号と指使いについて/・いろいろな指示記号/音符と休符の長さ/・強弱に関する記号/演奏記号/スコアの読み方/・曲想に関する代表的な用語/速度に関する記号/・和音の仕組み/ハーモニーの流れ〜3つのカテ?ンツ/ コードネームの読み方/・そのほかのコード/テンションの役割/ コードネームを見なか?ら伴奏するコツ/・早わかり! ピアノ音楽の歴史/・ピアノ・コード早見表/■楽譜(全20曲収録)/●超入門/パッヘルベルのカノン/愛の夢/●クラシック定番/ノクターン 第2番 変ホ長調/結婚行進曲/●アニメ/映画/TVドラマ/パプリカ/愛にできることはまだあるかい/海の幽霊/風の谷のナウシカ/夢をかなえてドラえもん/いつも何度でも/●J-POP定番/ハナミズキ/涙そうそう/赤いスイートピー/戦場のメリークリスマス/●洋楽の定番/追憶/ニュー・シネマ・パラダイス/●ジャズ・アレンジ/アヴェ・マリア/蛍の光/●季節のうた/ハッピー・バースデー・トゥ・ユー/聖夜

    関連words:リットーミュージック/■知っておきたいピアノのこと/・姿勢の作りかた/椅子をえらぶ/・鍵盤と楽譜の対照表/指番号と指使いについて/・いろいろな指示記号/音符と休符の長さ/・強弱に関する記号/演奏記号/スコアの読み方/・曲想に関する代表的な用語/速度に関する記号/・和音の仕組み/ハーモニーの流れ〜3つのカテ?ンツ/ コードネームの読み方/・そのほかのコード/テンションの役割/ コードネームを見なか?ら伴奏するコツ/・早わかり! ピアノ音楽の歴史/・ピアノ・コード早見表/■楽譜(全20曲収録)/●超入門/パッヘルベルのカノン/愛の夢/●クラシック定番/ノクターン 第2番 変ホ長調/結婚行進曲/●アニメ/映画/TVドラマ/パプリカ/愛にできることはまだあるかい/海の幽霊/風の谷のナウシカ/夢をかなえてドラえもん/いつも何度でも/●J-POP定番/ハナミズキ/涙そうそう/赤いスイートピー/戦場のメリークリスマス/●洋楽の定番/追憶/ニュー・シネマ・パラダイス/●ジャズ・アレンジ/アヴェ・マリア/蛍の光/●季節のうた/ハッピー・バースデー・トゥ・ユー/聖夜

  • Yahoo! Yahoo!ショッピング(ヤフー ショッピング)CD/New Cinema 蜥蜴/Free Bird
    CD/New Cinema 蜥蜴/Free Bird
    Yahoo! Yahoo!ショッピング(ヤフー ショッピング)

    New Cinema 蜥蜴 (ニューシネマトカゲ にゅーしねまとかげ)
    2001年5月16日 発売

    TV:TX系アニメ『プロジェクトアームズ』(4/7 土曜 24:50スタート)オープニング・テーマのシングル。

    1.Free Bird
    3.Free Bird -VER. M.E.S-
    4.Free Bird -instrumental-

    New Cinema 蜥蜴 (ニューシネマトカゲ にゅーしねまとかげ)
    2001年5月16日 発売

    TV:TX系アニメ『プロジェクトアームズ』(4/7 土曜 24:50スタート)オープニング・テーマのシングル。

    1.Free Bird
    3.Free Bird -VER. M.E.S-
    4.Free Bird -instrumental-

  • Yahoo! Yahoo!ショッピング(ヤフー ショッピング)CD/New Cinema 蜥蜴/Run
    CD/New Cinema 蜥蜴/Run
    Yahoo! Yahoo!ショッピング(ヤフー ショッピング)

    New Cinema 蜥蜴 (ニューシネマトカゲ にゅーしねまとかげ)
    2002年2月20日 発売



    C/Wには「カナリア」「melancholic child」を収録。

    3.melancholic child
    4.Run -Instrumental-

    New Cinema 蜥蜴 (ニューシネマトカゲ にゅーしねまとかげ)
    2002年2月20日 発売



    C/Wには「カナリア」「melancholic child」を収録。

    3.melancholic child
    4.Run -Instrumental-

  • Yahoo! Yahoo!ショッピング(ヤフー ショッピング)[CDA]/ささきいさお/ミッドナイトデカレンジャー 10YEARS AFTER / 悠久浪漫
    [CDA]/ささきいさお/ミッドナイトデカレンジャー 10YEARS AFTER / 悠久浪漫
    Yahoo! Yahoo!ショッピング(ヤフー ショッピング)

    「アニメソング界の大王」ささきいさおの名曲が10年の時を経て蘇る !! 2004年2月から2005年2月にかけて放送されたスーパー戦隊シリーズ第28作目「特捜戦隊デカレンジャー」。
    本作はTVシリーズのエンディング主題歌「ミッドナイトデカレンジャー」を新たにリメイクしてリリース !

    「アニメソング界の大王」ささきいさおの名曲が10年の時を経て蘇る !! 2004年2月から2005年2月にかけて放送されたスーパー戦隊シリーズ第28作目「特捜戦隊デカレンジャー」。
    本作はTVシリーズのエンディング主題歌「ミッドナイトデカレンジャー」を新たにリメイクしてリリース !

  • Yahoo! Yahoo!ショッピング(ヤフー ショッピング)CD/New Cinema 蜥蜴/Lovely Generation〜go
    CD/New Cinema 蜥蜴/Lovely Generation〜go
    Yahoo! Yahoo!ショッピング(ヤフー ショッピング)

    New Cinema 蜥蜴 (ニューシネマトカゲ にゅーしねまとかげ)
    2001年1月24日 発売

    TV:TBS系「ぜったいキャイーン」(木曜 24:55)エンディング・テーマ収録のシングル。

    1.Lovely Generation-goes&fight s-(Club Edit)
    2.Lovery Generation-goes&fight s-(Radio Edit)

    New Cinema 蜥蜴 (ニューシネマトカゲ にゅーしねまとかげ)
    2001年1月24日 発売

    TV:TBS系「ぜったいキャイーン」(木曜 24:55)エンディング・テーマ収録のシングル。

    1.Lovely Generation-goes&fight s-(Club Edit)
    2.Lovery Generation-goes&fight s-(Radio Edit)

  • Yahoo! Yahoo!ショッピング(ヤフー ショッピング)CD/ささきいさお/ミッドナイトデカレンジャー 10 YEARS AFTER/悠久浪漫
    CD/ささきいさお/ミッドナイトデカレンジャー 10 YEARS AFTER/悠久浪漫
    Yahoo! Yahoo!ショッピング(ヤフー ショッピング)

    ささきいさお (ササキイサオ ささきいさお)
    2015年10月7日 発売


    シリーズの中でも根強い人気を誇る同作が、10年の時を経てVシネマ『特捜戦隊デカレンジャー 10 years after』で復活!
    本作はTVシリーズのエンディング主題歌「ミッドナイト デカレンジャー」を新たにリメイクしたシングルで、Vシネマ版のエンディング主題歌にもなっている。


    1.ミッドナイト デカレンジャー 10 YEARS AFTER
    3.ミッドナイト デカレンジャー 10 YEARS AFTER(オリジナル・カラオケ)

    ささきいさお (ササキイサオ ささきいさお)
    2015年10月7日 発売


    シリーズの中でも根強い人気を誇る同作が、10年の時を経てVシネマ『特捜戦隊デカレンジャー 10 years after』で復活!
    本作はTVシリーズのエンディング主題歌「ミッドナイト デカレンジャー」を新たにリメイクしたシングルで、Vシネマ版のエンディング主題歌にもなっている。


    1.ミッドナイト デカレンジャー 10 YEARS AFTER
    3.ミッドナイト デカレンジャー 10 YEARS AFTER(オリジナル・カラオケ)

  • Yahoo! Yahoo!ショッピング(ヤフー ショッピング)【おまけCL付】新品 おさるのジョージ ベスト・セレクション5 おばけと遊ぼう! (DVD) GNBA1439-HPM
    【おまけCL付】新品 おさるのジョージ ベスト・セレクション5 おばけと遊ぼう! (DVD) GNBA1439-HPM
    Yahoo! Yahoo!ショッピング(ヤフー ショッピング)




    形式: Color, Dolby, Widescreen
    リージョンコード: リージョン2
    画面サイズ: 1.78:1
    ディスク枚数: 1
    販売元: NBCユニバーサル・エンターテイメントジャパン
    発売日 2017/11/22
    時間: 68 分
    品番:GNBA1439 JAN:4988102588595




    形式: Color, Dolby, Widescreen
    リージョンコード: リージョン2
    画面サイズ: 1.78:1
    ディスク枚数: 1
    販売元: NBCユニバーサル・エンターテイメントジャパン
    発売日 2017/11/22
    時間: 68 分
    品番:GNBA1439 JAN:4988102588595

  • Yahoo! Yahoo!ショッピング(ヤフー ショッピング)ピアノで弾く TV&シネマ2019春号 (月刊ピアノ 2019年5月増刊)
    ピアノで弾く TV&シネマ2019春号 (月刊ピアノ 2019年5月増刊)
    Yahoo! Yahoo!ショッピング(ヤフー ショッピング)

    (中古品)ピアノで弾く TV&シネマ2019春号 (月刊ピアノ 2019年5月増刊)





    (中古品)ピアノで弾く TV&シネマ2019春号 (月刊ピアノ 2019年5月増刊)





  • 楽天Come to Store【中古】Cinema Cradle [DVD]
    【中古】Cinema Cradle [DVD]
    楽天Come to Store

    【中古】Cinema Cradle [DVD]【メーカー名】フリーウィル【メーカー型番】【ブランド名】Free Will商品画像はイメージです。
      ※中古品は受注後に、再メンテナンス、梱包しますので お届けまで3日-10日営業日程度とお考え下さい。

    【中古】Cinema Cradle [DVD]【メーカー名】フリーウィル【メーカー型番】【ブランド名】Free Will商品画像はイメージです。
      ※中古品は受注後に、再メンテナンス、梱包しますので お届けまで3日-10日営業日程度とお考え下さい。

  • 楽天Come to Store【中古】THE BEST OF CINEMA MUSIC
    楽天Come to Store

    【中古】THE BEST OF CINEMA MUSIC【メーカー名】ユニバーサル シグマ【メーカー型番】【ブランド名】ユニバーサル商品画像はイメージです。
      ※中古品は受注後に、再メンテナンス、梱包しますので お届けまで3日-10日営業日程度とお考え下さい。

    【中古】THE BEST OF CINEMA MUSIC【メーカー名】ユニバーサル シグマ【メーカー型番】【ブランド名】ユニバーサル商品画像はイメージです。
      ※中古品は受注後に、再メンテナンス、梱包しますので お届けまで3日-10日営業日程度とお考え下さい。

  • 楽天WORLD DISC PLACEGodard Cinema And Trailer Of A Film That Will Never Exist: Phony Wars DVD 【輸入盤】
    Godard Cinema And Trailer Of A Film That Will Never Exist: Phony Wars DVD 【輸入盤】

    DVD 輸入版◆タイトル: Godard Cinema And Trailer Of A Film That Will Never Exist: Phony Wars◆現地発売日: 2024/02/13◆レーベル: Kino Lorber 輸入盤DVD/ブルーレイについて ・日本語は国内作品を除いて通常、収録されておりません。
    詳しくはこちら ◆言語: フランス語 ◆収録時間: 120分※商品画像はイメージです。
    Jean-Luc Godard is synonymous with cinema. With the release of Breathless in 1960, he established himself overnight as a cinematic rebel and symbol for the era's progressive and anti-war youth. Sixty-two years and 140 films later, Godard is among the most renowned artists of all time, taught in every film school yet still shrouded in mystery. One of the founders of the French New Wave, political agitator, revolutionary misanthrope, film theorist and critic, the list of his descriptors goes on and on. Godard Cinema offers an opportunity for film lovers to look back at his career and the subjects and themes that obsessed him, while paying tribute to the ineffable essence of the most revered French director of all time. At the time of his death in September 2022, Jean-Luc Godard had been in the midst of planning another feature, an adaptation of Belgian author Charles Plisnier's 1937 novel Faux Passports. Though it was never produced, Godard put together the intricate and beautiful Trailer Of A Film That Will Never Exist: Phony Wars, which now stands as his final work, a complex collage of history, politics, and cinema constructed of paper and glue, paintings and photographs, sound and silence. He accompanied it with the following text: Rejecting the billions of alphabetic diktats to liberate the incessant metamorphoses and metaphors of a necessary and true language by returning to the locations of past film shoots, while keeping track of modern times.Godard Cinema And Trailer Of A Film That Will Never Exist: Phony Wars DVD 【輸入盤】

    DVD 輸入版

    ◆タイトル: Godard Cinema And Trailer Of A Film That Will Never Exist: Phony Wars◆現地発売日: 2024/02/13◆レーベル: Kino Lorber 輸入盤DVD/ブルーレイについて ・日本語は国内作品を除いて通常、収録されておりません。
    詳しくはこちら ◆言語: フランス語 ◆収録時間: 120分※商品画像はイメージです。
    Jean-Luc Godard is synonymous with cinema. With the release of Breathless in 1960, he established himself overnight as a cinematic rebel and symbol for the era's progressive and anti-war youth. Sixty-two years and 140 films later, Godard is among the most renowned artists of all time, taught in every film school yet still shrouded in mystery. One of the founders of the French New Wave, political agitator, revolutionary misanthrope, film theorist and critic, the list of his descriptors goes on and on. Godard Cinema offers an opportunity for film lovers to look back at his career and the subjects and themes that obsessed him, while paying tribute to the ineffable essence of the most revered French director of all time. At the time of his death in September 2022, Jean-Luc Godard had been in the midst of planning another feature, an adaptation of Belgian author Charles Plisnier's 1937 novel Faux Passports. Though it was never produced, Godard put together the intricate and beautiful Trailer Of A Film That Will Never Exist: Phony Wars, which now stands as his final work, a complex collage of history, politics, and cinema constructed of paper and glue, paintings and photographs, sound and silence. He accompanied it with the following text: Rejecting the billions of alphabetic diktats to liberate the incessant metamorphoses and metaphors of a necessary and true language by returning to the locations of past film shoots, while keeping track of modern times.Godard Cinema And Trailer Of A Film That Will Never Exist: Phony Wars DVD 【輸入盤】

  • 楽天ブックオフ 楽天市場店【中古】 昨日より赤く明日より青く -CINEMA FIGHTERS project-(豪華版)(Blu-ray Disc+2DVD)/GENERATIONS from EXILE TRIBE,佐野玲於,醍醐虎汰朗,関口メンディー,SABU(
    【中古】 昨日より赤く明日より青く -CINEMA FIGHTERS project-(豪華版)(Blu-ray Disc+2DVD)/GENERATIONS from EXILE TRIBE,佐野玲於,醍醐虎汰朗,関口メンディー,SABU(
    楽天ブックオフ 楽天市場店

    GENERATIONS from EXILE TRIBE,佐野玲於,醍醐虎汰朗,関口メンディー,SABU(監督),新城毅彦(監督),山下敦弘(監督),森義隆(監督)販売会社/発売会社:エイベックス・ピクチャーズ(株)発売年月日:2022/09/16JAN:4580055358968//付属品〜特典DVD2枚付

    GENERATIONS from EXILE TRIBE,佐野玲於,醍醐虎汰朗,関口メンディー,SABU(監督),新城毅彦(監督),山下敦弘(監督),森義隆(監督)販売会社/発売会社:エイベックス・ピクチャーズ(株)発売年月日:2022/09/16JAN:4580055358968//付属品〜特典DVD2枚付

  • 楽天Come to Store【中古】CINEMA CLASSIC
    楽天Come to Store

    【中古】CINEMA CLASSIC【メーカー名】タートルミュージック【メーカー型番】【ブランド名】Turtle Music Record商品画像はイメージです。
      ※中古品は受注後に、再メンテナンス、梱包しますので お届けまで3日-10日営業日程度とお考え下さい。

    【中古】CINEMA CLASSIC【メーカー名】タートルミュージック【メーカー型番】【ブランド名】Turtle Music Record商品画像はイメージです。
      ※中古品は受注後に、再メンテナンス、梱包しますので お届けまで3日-10日営業日程度とお考え下さい。

  • 楽天Come to Store【中古】Tussie mussie II ~loves cinema~
    【中古】Tussie mussie II ~loves cinema~
    楽天Come to Store

    【中古】Tussie mussie II ~loves cinema~【メーカー名】SME【メーカー型番】【ブランド名】ソニーミュージックエンタテインメント商品画像はイメージです。
      ※中古品は受注後に、再メンテナンス、梱包しますので お届けまで3日-10日営業日程度とお考え下さい。

    【中古】Tussie mussie II ~loves cinema~【メーカー名】SME【メーカー型番】【ブランド名】ソニーミュージックエンタテインメント商品画像はイメージです。
      ※中古品は受注後に、再メンテナンス、梱包しますので お届けまで3日-10日営業日程度とお考え下さい。

  • 楽天Come to Store【中古】スーパー戦隊 V CINEMA&THE MOVIE Blu-ray 2001
    【中古】スーパー戦隊 V CINEMA&THE MOVIE Blu-ray 2001
    楽天Come to Store

    【中古】スーパー戦隊 V CINEMA&THE MOVIE Blu-ray 2001【メーカー名】TOEI COMPANY LTD.(TOE)(D)【メーカー型番】【ブランド名】商品画像はイメージです。
      ※中古品は受注後に、再メンテナンス、梱包しますので お届けまで3日-10日営業日程度とお考え下さい。

    【中古】スーパー戦隊 V CINEMA&THE MOVIE Blu-ray 2001【メーカー名】TOEI COMPANY LTD.(TOE)(D)【メーカー型番】【ブランド名】商品画像はイメージです。
      ※中古品は受注後に、再メンテナンス、梱包しますので お届けまで3日-10日営業日程度とお考え下さい。

  • 楽天あめりかん・ぱい【輸入盤ブルーレイ】FILM NOIR: DARK SIDE OF CINEMA XI (3PC)【B2022/11/29発売】
    【輸入盤ブルーレイ】FILM NOIR: DARK SIDE OF CINEMA XI (3PC)【B2022/11/29発売】

    PS3、PS4、PS5は 初期設定で再生可能です。
    種別:BLU-RAYジャンル:Mystery / SuspenseSuspense-Film Noir発売日:2022/11/29収録分数:255ディスク枚数:3コメント:This collection features three film noir classics. A WOMAN'S VENGEANCE (1948) - Charles Boyer (When Tomorrow Comes), Ann Blyth (Thunder on the Hill) and Jessica Tandy (The Birds) star in A Woman's Vengeance, a gripping noir mystery from acclaimed director Zoltan Korda (The Four Feathers). When his invalid wife Emily (Rachel Kempson, The Captive Heart) dies of a heart attack, it frees Henry Maurier (Boyer) to marry his young mistress (Blyth). Confiding her suspicions that Henry murdered her patient, Emily's nurse (Mildred Natwick, Against All Flags) is encouraged by a neighbor (Tandy) to tell the police. Suddenly Henry finds himself wrongly convicted and awaiting his fate while the family doctor (Sir Cedric Hardwicke, The Lodger) races against time to find the real killer and save his life. Visionary author Aldous Huxley (Brave New World) adapted the screenplay from his own short story, The Gioconda Smile. I WAS A SHOPLIFTER (1950) - Mona Freeman (Flesh and Fury) stars as the titular kleptomaniac in the sensational crime story, I Was a Shoplifter. Cop Jeff Andrews (Scott Brady, Undertow) agrees to go undercover to shadow the sticky-fingered Faye Burton (Freeman), a judge's daughter who has been coerced into working for a professional shoplifting ring run by ruthless pawnbroker Ina Perdue (Andrea King, The World in His Arms). Jeff finds himself falling in love with Faye while working to crack the gang of thieves. Directed by Charles Lamont (Abbott and Costello Meet the Invisible Man), shot by Irving Glassberg (Larceny) and featuring Tony Curtis (The Square Jungle), Charles Drake (Deported) and Rock Hudson (The Tarnished Angels), I Was a Shoplifter is a fast-paced film noir treat. BEHIND THE HIGH WALL (1956) - Tom Tully (The Turning Point) and Sylvia Sidney (Sabotage) star in the riveting prison-break noir, Behind the High Wall. A group of convicts escape from the big house, killing a guard, kidnapping the warden, Frank Carmichael (Tully), and forcing a reluctant inmate, Johnny Hutchins (John Gavin, Midnight Lace), to accompany them. However, when a car crash kills everyone except for Frank and Johnny, the wicked warden steals $100,000 of the escapees' loot, then accuses the innocent Johnny of the guard's murder in order to cover up his own crime. Directed by Abner Biberman (The Price of Fear), Behind the High Wall is a crackerjack thriller that plays out to a harrowing conclusion, with fine supporting turns by Betty Lynn (TV's The Andy Griffith Show), John Larch (Play Misty for Me) and Barney Phillips (Ruby Gentry).


    PS3、PS4、PS5は 初期設定で再生可能です。
    種別:BLU-RAYジャンル:Mystery / SuspenseSuspense-Film Noir発売日:2022/11/29収録分数:255ディスク枚数:3コメント:This collection features three film noir classics. A WOMAN'S VENGEANCE (1948) - Charles Boyer (When Tomorrow Comes), Ann Blyth (Thunder on the Hill) and Jessica Tandy (The Birds) star in A Woman's Vengeance, a gripping noir mystery from acclaimed director Zoltan Korda (The Four Feathers). When his invalid wife Emily (Rachel Kempson, The Captive Heart) dies of a heart attack, it frees Henry Maurier (Boyer) to marry his young mistress (Blyth). Confiding her suspicions that Henry murdered her patient, Emily's nurse (Mildred Natwick, Against All Flags) is encouraged by a neighbor (Tandy) to tell the police. Suddenly Henry finds himself wrongly convicted and awaiting his fate while the family doctor (Sir Cedric Hardwicke, The Lodger) races against time to find the real killer and save his life. Visionary author Aldous Huxley (Brave New World) adapted the screenplay from his own short story, The Gioconda Smile. I WAS A SHOPLIFTER (1950) - Mona Freeman (Flesh and Fury) stars as the titular kleptomaniac in the sensational crime story, I Was a Shoplifter. Cop Jeff Andrews (Scott Brady, Undertow) agrees to go undercover to shadow the sticky-fingered Faye Burton (Freeman), a judge's daughter who has been coerced into working for a professional shoplifting ring run by ruthless pawnbroker Ina Perdue (Andrea King, The World in His Arms). Jeff finds himself falling in love with Faye while working to crack the gang of thieves. Directed by Charles Lamont (Abbott and Costello Meet the Invisible Man), shot by Irving Glassberg (Larceny) and featuring Tony Curtis (The Square Jungle), Charles Drake (Deported) and Rock Hudson (The Tarnished Angels), I Was a Shoplifter is a fast-paced film noir treat. BEHIND THE HIGH WALL (1956) - Tom Tully (The Turning Point) and Sylvia Sidney (Sabotage) star in the riveting prison-break noir, Behind the High Wall. A group of convicts escape from the big house, killing a guard, kidnapping the warden, Frank Carmichael (Tully), and forcing a reluctant inmate, Johnny Hutchins (John Gavin, Midnight Lace), to accompany them. However, when a car crash kills everyone except for Frank and Johnny, the wicked warden steals $100,000 of the escapees' loot, then accuses the innocent Johnny of the guard's murder in order to cover up his own crime. Directed by Abner Biberman (The Price of Fear), Behind the High Wall is a crackerjack thriller that plays out to a harrowing conclusion, with fine supporting turns by Betty Lynn (TV's The Andy Griffith Show), John Larch (Play Misty for Me) and Barney Phillips (Ruby Gentry).

  • 楽天あめりかん・ぱい【輸入盤ブルーレイ】FILM NOIR: THE DARK SIDE OF CINEMA XIII (3PC)【B2023/5/2発売】
    【輸入盤ブルーレイ】FILM NOIR: THE DARK SIDE OF CINEMA XIII (3PC)【B2023/5/2発売】

    PS3、PS4、PS5は 初期設定で再生可能です。
    種別:BLU-RAYジャンル:Mystery / SuspenseSuspense-Film Noir発売日:2023/5/2収録分数:229ディスク枚数:3コメント:This collection features three film noir classics. SPY HUNT (1950) - The manhunt that rocked the world! Noir great Howard Duff (Johnny Stool Pigeon, Woman in Hiding, Shakedown) stars with the beautiful Marta Toren (One Way Street, Deported, Sirocco) in this compelling Cold War thriller. Steve Quain (Duff), escorting two zoo-bound black panthers on a train from Milan to Paris, is unaware that a secret agent, Catherine Ullven (Toren), has concealed an incriminating microfilm in the collar of one of the animals. But when the train is derailed in the Swiss Alps and the panthers escape, she is forced to involve him in her mission, which now includes enemy spies hunting the microfilm, the animals, Catherine and Steve. Directed by George Sherman (Larceny, The Sleeping City, The Raging Tide) from the novel Panther's Moon by Victor Canning (Golden Salamander, Family Plot, Masquerade). THE NIGHT RUNNER (1957) - Are mental patients turned loose too soon? Ray Danton (Outside the Law, The Big Operator, The Longest Day) stars as Roy Turner, a man with a violent past who is prematurely released from an overcrowded institution. Realizing that he cannot handle the pressures of big-city life, he moves into a small-town beachside motel and falls in love with Susan Mayes, warmly played by Colleen Miller (Four Guns to the Border, Man in the Shadow, Step Down to Terror), the daughter of the motel's owner. When her father finds out about Roy, he threatens to have him recommitted unless he leaves his daughter alone. Roy snaps, and commits a crime from which there is no turning back. Abner Biberman (The Price of Fear, Behind the High Wall, Gun for a Coward) directs this black-as-night yet sympathetic look at mental illness. STEP DOWN TO TERROR (1958) - Step by step he made a career out of love, and murder! Based on the same source material as Alfred Hitchcock's Shadow of a Doubt, this suspense-soaked noir stars Colleen Miller (Playgirl, The Night Runner, Hot Summer Night), Charles Drake (I Was a Shoplifter, Female on the Beach, No Name on the Bullet) and Rod Taylor (The Time Machine, The Birds, Darker Than Amber). Pursued by detectives, killer Johnny Walters (Drake) leaves the city to visit his family in a small California town. Among the household: his dead brother's alluring widow Helen (Miller), who soon is attracted to him. But ominous events and conflicting evidence leave Helen suspicious of her beloved brother-in-law, as director Harry Keller (The Unguarded Moment, Quantez, The Female Animal) expertly ratchets the tension.


    PS3、PS4、PS5は 初期設定で再生可能です。
    種別:BLU-RAYジャンル:Mystery / SuspenseSuspense-Film Noir発売日:2023/5/2収録分数:229ディスク枚数:3コメント:This collection features three film noir classics. SPY HUNT (1950) - The manhunt that rocked the world! Noir great Howard Duff (Johnny Stool Pigeon, Woman in Hiding, Shakedown) stars with the beautiful Marta Toren (One Way Street, Deported, Sirocco) in this compelling Cold War thriller. Steve Quain (Duff), escorting two zoo-bound black panthers on a train from Milan to Paris, is unaware that a secret agent, Catherine Ullven (Toren), has concealed an incriminating microfilm in the collar of one of the animals. But when the train is derailed in the Swiss Alps and the panthers escape, she is forced to involve him in her mission, which now includes enemy spies hunting the microfilm, the animals, Catherine and Steve. Directed by George Sherman (Larceny, The Sleeping City, The Raging Tide) from the novel Panther's Moon by Victor Canning (Golden Salamander, Family Plot, Masquerade). THE NIGHT RUNNER (1957) - Are mental patients turned loose too soon? Ray Danton (Outside the Law, The Big Operator, The Longest Day) stars as Roy Turner, a man with a violent past who is prematurely released from an overcrowded institution. Realizing that he cannot handle the pressures of big-city life, he moves into a small-town beachside motel and falls in love with Susan Mayes, warmly played by Colleen Miller (Four Guns to the Border, Man in the Shadow, Step Down to Terror), the daughter of the motel's owner. When her father finds out about Roy, he threatens to have him recommitted unless he leaves his daughter alone. Roy snaps, and commits a crime from which there is no turning back. Abner Biberman (The Price of Fear, Behind the High Wall, Gun for a Coward) directs this black-as-night yet sympathetic look at mental illness. STEP DOWN TO TERROR (1958) - Step by step he made a career out of love, and murder! Based on the same source material as Alfred Hitchcock's Shadow of a Doubt, this suspense-soaked noir stars Colleen Miller (Playgirl, The Night Runner, Hot Summer Night), Charles Drake (I Was a Shoplifter, Female on the Beach, No Name on the Bullet) and Rod Taylor (The Time Machine, The Birds, Darker Than Amber). Pursued by detectives, killer Johnny Walters (Drake) leaves the city to visit his family in a small California town. Among the household: his dead brother's alluring widow Helen (Miller), who soon is attracted to him. But ominous events and conflicting evidence leave Helen suspicious of her beloved brother-in-law, as director Harry Keller (The Unguarded Moment, Quantez, The Female Animal) expertly ratchets the tension.

  • 楽天WORLD DISC PLACEFilm Noir: The Dark Side of Cinema XI ブルーレイ 【輸入盤】
    Film Noir: The Dark Side of Cinema XI ブルーレイ 【輸入盤】

    Blu-ray BD 輸入版◆タイトル: Film Noir: The Dark Side of Cinema XI◆現地発売日: 2022/11/29◆レーベル: KL Studio Classics◆その他スペック: ワイドスクリーン/英語字幕収録 輸入盤DVD/ブルーレイについて ・日本語は国内作品を除いて通常、収録されておりません。
    詳しくはこちら ◆言語: 英語 ◆字幕: 英語◆収録時間: 255分※商品画像はイメージです。
    This collection features three film noir classics. A WOMAN'S VENGEANCE (1948) - Charles Boyer (When Tomorrow Comes), Ann Blyth (Thunder on the Hill) and Jessica Tandy (The Birds) star in A Woman's Vengeance, a gripping noir mystery from acclaimed director Zoltan Korda (The Four Feathers). When his invalid wife Emily (Rachel Kempson, The Captive Heart) dies of a heart attack, it frees Henry Maurier (Boyer) to marry his young mistress (Blyth). Confiding her suspicions that Henry murdered her patient, Emily's nurse (Mildred Natwick, Against All Flags) is encouraged by a neighbor (Tandy) to tell the police. Suddenly Henry finds himself wrongly convicted and awaiting his fate while the family doctor (Sir Cedric Hardwicke, The Lodger) races against time to find the real killer and save his life. Visionary author Aldous Huxley (Brave New World) adapted the screenplay from his own short story, The Gioconda Smile. I WAS A SHOPLIFTER (1950) - Mona Freeman (Flesh and Fury) stars as the titular kleptomaniac in the sensational crime story, I Was a Shoplifter. Cop Jeff Andrews (Scott Brady, Undertow) agrees to go undercover to shadow the sticky-fingered Faye Burton (Freeman), a judge's daughter who has been coerced into working for a professional shoplifting ring run by ruthless pawnbroker Ina Perdue (Andrea King, The World in His Arms). Jeff finds himself falling in love with Faye while working to crack the gang of thieves. Directed by Charles Lamont (Abbott and Costello Meet the Invisible Man), shot by Irving Glassberg (Larceny) and featuring Tony Curtis (The Square Jungle), Charles Drake (Deported) and Rock Hudson (The Tarnished Angels), I Was a Shoplifter is a fast-paced film noir treat. BEHIND THE HIGH WALL (1956) - Tom Tully (The Turning Point) and Sylvia Sidney (Sabotage) star in the riveting prison-break noir, Behind the High Wall. A group of convicts escape from the big house, killing a guard, kidnapping the warden, Frank Carmichael (Tully), and forcing a reluctant inmate, Johnny Hutchins (John Gavin, Midnight Lace), to accompany them. However, when a car crash kills everyone except for Frank and Johnny, the wicked warden steals $100,000 of the escapees' loot, then accuses the innocent Johnny of the guard's murder in order to cover up his own crime. Directed by Abner Biberman (The Price of Fear), Behind the High Wall is a crackerjack thriller that plays out to a harrowing conclusion, with fine supporting turns by Betty Lynn (TV's The Andy Griffith Show), John Larch (Play Misty for Me) and Barney Phillips (Ruby Gentry).Film Noir: The Dark Side of Cinema XI ブルーレイ 【輸入盤】

    Blu-ray BD 輸入版

    ◆タイトル: Film Noir: The Dark Side of Cinema XI◆現地発売日: 2022/11/29◆レーベル: KL Studio Classics◆その他スペック: ワイドスクリーン/英語字幕収録 輸入盤DVD/ブルーレイについて ・日本語は国内作品を除いて通常、収録されておりません。
    詳しくはこちら ◆言語: 英語 ◆字幕: 英語◆収録時間: 255分※商品画像はイメージです。
    This collection features three film noir classics. A WOMAN'S VENGEANCE (1948) - Charles Boyer (When Tomorrow Comes), Ann Blyth (Thunder on the Hill) and Jessica Tandy (The Birds) star in A Woman's Vengeance, a gripping noir mystery from acclaimed director Zoltan Korda (The Four Feathers). When his invalid wife Emily (Rachel Kempson, The Captive Heart) dies of a heart attack, it frees Henry Maurier (Boyer) to marry his young mistress (Blyth). Confiding her suspicions that Henry murdered her patient, Emily's nurse (Mildred Natwick, Against All Flags) is encouraged by a neighbor (Tandy) to tell the police. Suddenly Henry finds himself wrongly convicted and awaiting his fate while the family doctor (Sir Cedric Hardwicke, The Lodger) races against time to find the real killer and save his life. Visionary author Aldous Huxley (Brave New World) adapted the screenplay from his own short story, The Gioconda Smile. I WAS A SHOPLIFTER (1950) - Mona Freeman (Flesh and Fury) stars as the titular kleptomaniac in the sensational crime story, I Was a Shoplifter. Cop Jeff Andrews (Scott Brady, Undertow) agrees to go undercover to shadow the sticky-fingered Faye Burton (Freeman), a judge's daughter who has been coerced into working for a professional shoplifting ring run by ruthless pawnbroker Ina Perdue (Andrea King, The World in His Arms). Jeff finds himself falling in love with Faye while working to crack the gang of thieves. Directed by Charles Lamont (Abbott and Costello Meet the Invisible Man), shot by Irving Glassberg (Larceny) and featuring Tony Curtis (The Square Jungle), Charles Drake (Deported) and Rock Hudson (The Tarnished Angels), I Was a Shoplifter is a fast-paced film noir treat. BEHIND THE HIGH WALL (1956) - Tom Tully (The Turning Point) and Sylvia Sidney (Sabotage) star in the riveting prison-break noir, Behind the High Wall. A group of convicts escape from the big house, killing a guard, kidnapping the warden, Frank Carmichael (Tully), and forcing a reluctant inmate, Johnny Hutchins (John Gavin, Midnight Lace), to accompany them. However, when a car crash kills everyone except for Frank and Johnny, the wicked warden steals $100,000 of the escapees' loot, then accuses the innocent Johnny of the guard's murder in order to cover up his own crime. Directed by Abner Biberman (The Price of Fear), Behind the High Wall is a crackerjack thriller that plays out to a harrowing conclusion, with fine supporting turns by Betty Lynn (TV's The Andy Griffith Show), John Larch (Play Misty for Me) and Barney Phillips (Ruby Gentry).Film Noir: The Dark Side of Cinema XI ブルーレイ 【輸入盤】

  • 楽天WORLD DISC PLACEFilm Noir: The Dark Side of Cinema V ブルーレイ 【輸入盤】
    Film Noir: The Dark Side of Cinema V ブルーレイ 【輸入盤】

    Blu-ray BD 輸入版◆タイトル: Film Noir: The Dark Side of Cinema V◆現地発売日: 2021/12/14◆レーベル: KL Studio Classics 輸入盤DVD/ブルーレイについて ・日本語は国内作品を除いて通常、収録されておりません。
    詳しくはこちら ◆言語: 英語 ◆収録時間: 266分※商品画像はイメージです。
    Three-disc set includes: Because Of You (1952)Naive Christine Carroll (Loretta Young) had gone to jail as an unwitting accessory of hood boyfriend Mike Monroe (Alex Nicol), but made good on her nursing studies and sought a fresh start. Tending to wounded combat pilot Steve Kimberly (Jeff Chandler), the two fell hard and married-but what's her play when the sprung Mike tries to re-enter her life? Noirish melodrama also features Frances Dee, Alexander Scourby, and the theme song that was Tony Bennett's first hit. 95 min. BW/Rtg: NR Outside The Law (1956)Bitter Army parolee John Conrad (Ray Danton) was given the chance to expunge his record if he took an undercover murder investigation in Berlin, and be answerable to the federal agent father (Onslow Stevens) he resented. The job would prove even dicier, as the trail leads to a ruthless gang of international counterfeiters. Crackling crime story co-stars Leigh Snowden, Grant Williams, Raymond Bailey; Jack Arnold directs. 81 min. BW/Rtg: NR The Midnight Story (1957)After the priest who helped raised him was found stabbed to death, San Francisco traffic cop Joe Martini (Tony Curtis) wanted to be on the investigation... and quit after his request was denied. Checking matters out on his own, he finds circumstances pointing toward restaurateur Sylvio Malatesta (Gilbert Roland)-but what's his move when he starts falling for Sylvio's cousin (Marisa Pavan)? Jay C. Flippen, Ted de Corsia also star. 90 min. BW/Rtg: NR Standard/Widescreen; Soundtrack: English; Subtitles: English; audio commentary; theatrical trailers.Film Noir: The Dark Side of Cinema V ブルーレイ 【輸入盤】

    Blu-ray BD 輸入版

    ◆タイトル: Film Noir: The Dark Side of Cinema V◆現地発売日: 2021/12/14◆レーベル: KL Studio Classics 輸入盤DVD/ブルーレイについて ・日本語は国内作品を除いて通常、収録されておりません。
    詳しくはこちら ◆言語: 英語 ◆収録時間: 266分※商品画像はイメージです。
    Three-disc set includes: Because Of You (1952)Naive Christine Carroll (Loretta Young) had gone to jail as an unwitting accessory of hood boyfriend Mike Monroe (Alex Nicol), but made good on her nursing studies and sought a fresh start. Tending to wounded combat pilot Steve Kimberly (Jeff Chandler), the two fell hard and married-but what's her play when the sprung Mike tries to re-enter her life? Noirish melodrama also features Frances Dee, Alexander Scourby, and the theme song that was Tony Bennett's first hit. 95 min. BW/Rtg: NR Outside The Law (1956)Bitter Army parolee John Conrad (Ray Danton) was given the chance to expunge his record if he took an undercover murder investigation in Berlin, and be answerable to the federal agent father (Onslow Stevens) he resented. The job would prove even dicier, as the trail leads to a ruthless gang of international counterfeiters. Crackling crime story co-stars Leigh Snowden, Grant Williams, Raymond Bailey; Jack Arnold directs. 81 min. BW/Rtg: NR The Midnight Story (1957)After the priest who helped raised him was found stabbed to death, San Francisco traffic cop Joe Martini (Tony Curtis) wanted to be on the investigation... and quit after his request was denied. Checking matters out on his own, he finds circumstances pointing toward restaurateur Sylvio Malatesta (Gilbert Roland)-but what's his move when he starts falling for Sylvio's cousin (Marisa Pavan)? Jay C. Flippen, Ted de Corsia also star. 90 min. BW/Rtg: NR Standard/Widescreen; Soundtrack: English; Subtitles: English; audio commentary; theatrical trailers.Film Noir: The Dark Side of Cinema V ブルーレイ 【輸入盤】

  • 楽天WORLD DISC PLACEFilm Noir: The Dark Side of Cinema I ブルーレイ 【輸入盤】
    Film Noir: The Dark Side of Cinema I ブルーレイ 【輸入盤】

    Blu-ray BD 輸入版◆タイトル: Film Noir: The Dark Side of Cinema I◆現地発売日: 2022/06/28◆レーベル: KL Studio Classics◆その他スペック: BOXセット 輸入盤DVD/ブルーレイについて ・日本語は国内作品を除いて通常、収録されておりません。
    詳しくはこちら ◆言語: 英語 ◆収録時間: 416分※商品画像はイメージです。
    Five-disc set includes: He Ran All The Way (1951)When the armored car heist he aided in ended in bloodshed, dull-witted thug Nick Robey (John Garfield, in his screen farewell) thought he could just lay low with the money. Unfortunately, he chose to make a poolside pickup of lonely Peggy Dobbs (Shelley Winters)... and her bringing him home to meet the folks would end far worse than most. Atmospheric thriller co-stars Norman Lloyd, Gladys George, Wallace Ford, Selena Royle. 77 min. BW/Rtg: NR Witness to Murder (1954)One sleepless night, Cheryl Draper (Barbara Stanwyck) crossed by her apartment window... and saw a woman being strangled in the adjacent building. The callous perpetrator (George Sanders), however, is smooth enough to cover his tracks... and to set up his accuser as a dangerous mental case. Can she convince one sympathetic cop (Gary Merrill) of the truth? Moody melodrama co-stars Jesse White, Juanita Moore. 83 min. BW/Rtg: NR A Bullet For Joey (1955)Royal Canadian Police inspector Raoul Leduc (Edward G. Robinson) believes an important nuclear physicist is the key to a series of killings and soon finds himself battling gangster Joe Victor (George Raft), hired by the head of a Communist spy ring to kidnap the scientist and convince him to help their plan for world domination. George Dolenz, Peter Van Eyck co-star. 87 min. BW/Rtg: NR Storm Fear (1955)With nothing to show for his attempted bank job besides a slug, Charlie Blake (Cornel Wilde, who directed) leads his gang to the remote farmhouse of his brother Fred (Dan Duryea) until he heals-and things cool off. Unfortunately, Charlie's romantic past with his sister-in-law (Jean Wallace) may only serve to escalate the danger. Flavorful suspenser co-stars Lee Grant, Dennis Weaver, Steven Hill; screenplay adaptation by Horton Foote. 88 min. BW/Rtg: NR Big House, U.S.A. (1955)In this vintage crime thriller, a group of hardened criminals decides to escape from prison in order to claim $200,000 in hidden ransom money. After working out the logistics of their plan, they hatch a daring underwater rescue. With the feds on their backs, can the men reach the riches, or will they be sent back to the big house? Broderick Crawford, Charles Bronson, Ralph Meeker, Lon Chaney, Jr., and William Talman star. 83 min. BW/Rtg: NR Standard/Widescreen; Soundtrack: English.Film Noir: The Dark Side of Cinema I ブルーレイ 【輸入盤】

    Blu-ray BD 輸入版

    ◆タイトル: Film Noir: The Dark Side of Cinema I◆現地発売日: 2022/06/28◆レーベル: KL Studio Classics◆その他スペック: BOXセット 輸入盤DVD/ブルーレイについて ・日本語は国内作品を除いて通常、収録されておりません。
    詳しくはこちら ◆言語: 英語 ◆収録時間: 416分※商品画像はイメージです。
    Five-disc set includes: He Ran All The Way (1951)When the armored car heist he aided in ended in bloodshed, dull-witted thug Nick Robey (John Garfield, in his screen farewell) thought he could just lay low with the money. Unfortunately, he chose to make a poolside pickup of lonely Peggy Dobbs (Shelley Winters)... and her bringing him home to meet the folks would end far worse than most. Atmospheric thriller co-stars Norman Lloyd, Gladys George, Wallace Ford, Selena Royle. 77 min. BW/Rtg: NR Witness to Murder (1954)One sleepless night, Cheryl Draper (Barbara Stanwyck) crossed by her apartment window... and saw a woman being strangled in the adjacent building. The callous perpetrator (George Sanders), however, is smooth enough to cover his tracks... and to set up his accuser as a dangerous mental case. Can she convince one sympathetic cop (Gary Merrill) of the truth? Moody melodrama co-stars Jesse White, Juanita Moore. 83 min. BW/Rtg: NR A Bullet For Joey (1955)Royal Canadian Police inspector Raoul Leduc (Edward G. Robinson) believes an important nuclear physicist is the key to a series of killings and soon finds himself battling gangster Joe Victor (George Raft), hired by the head of a Communist spy ring to kidnap the scientist and convince him to help their plan for world domination. George Dolenz, Peter Van Eyck co-star. 87 min. BW/Rtg: NR Storm Fear (1955)With nothing to show for his attempted bank job besides a slug, Charlie Blake (Cornel Wilde, who directed) leads his gang to the remote farmhouse of his brother Fred (Dan Duryea) until he heals-and things cool off. Unfortunately, Charlie's romantic past with his sister-in-law (Jean Wallace) may only serve to escalate the danger. Flavorful suspenser co-stars Lee Grant, Dennis Weaver, Steven Hill; screenplay adaptation by Horton Foote. 88 min. BW/Rtg: NR Big House, U.S.A. (1955)In this vintage crime thriller, a group of hardened criminals decides to escape from prison in order to claim $200,000 in hidden ransom money. After working out the logistics of their plan, they hatch a daring underwater rescue. With the feds on their backs, can the men reach the riches, or will they be sent back to the big house? Broderick Crawford, Charles Bronson, Ralph Meeker, Lon Chaney, Jr., and William Talman star. 83 min. BW/Rtg: NR Standard/Widescreen; Soundtrack: English.Film Noir: The Dark Side of Cinema I ブルーレイ 【輸入盤】

  • 楽天WORLD DISC PLACEThe Jewish Soul: Ten Classics of Yiddish Cinema ブルーレイ 【輸入盤】
    The Jewish Soul: Ten Classics of Yiddish Cinema ブルーレイ 【輸入盤】

    Blu-ray BD 輸入版◆タイトル: The Jewish Soul: Ten Classics of Yiddish Cinema◆現地発売日: 2020/11/24◆レーベル: Kino Classics◆その他スペック: BOXセット/英語字幕収録 輸入盤DVD/ブルーレイについて ・日本語は国内作品を除いて通常、収録されておりません。
    詳しくはこちら ◆言語: 英語 ◆字幕: 英語◆収録時間: 789分※商品画像はイメージです。
    Five-disc set includes: The Yiddish King Lear (1935)Prosperous Russian merchant David Moishele (Maurice Krohner) was ready for a retirement pilgrimage to the Holy Land, and to divide his worldly goods amongst his three daughters and their husbands-but his chosen disposition of his empire would generate nothing but heartache. Screen take on Jacob Gordin's Shakespeare transposition/Yiddish Theater staple also stars Fannie Levenstein, Jacob Bergreen, Miriam Grossman. 84 min. BW/Rtg: NR The Dybbuk (1937)Noted as one of the greatest Yiddish films ever made, this story of unfulfilled love and broken promises tells of how the spirit of a dead young man (Leon Liebgold) enters the body of his beloved (Lili Liliana) after the couple are kept apart by her stern rabbi father (Mojzesz Lipman). Spellbinding Polish adaptation of the S. Ansky play co-stars Avrom Morevski, Ajzyk Samberg. 123 min. BW/Rtg: NR Mir Kumen On (Children Must Laugh) (1938)Offering a rare glimpse into Polish-Jewish life prior to World War II-and sobering in retrospect-this fundraising documentary celebrated the activities of the Vladimir Medem Sanatorium, a rural Warsaw-region retreat for tubercular urban children maintained by the Labor Bund. Aleksander Ford directs. 61 min. BW/Rtg: NR Tevya (1939)A generation before Fiddler on the Roof, Yiddish Theater impresario Maurice Schwartz directed, scripted and starred as Sholom Aleichem's ever-challenged milkman of Tsarist Russia. Troubled when his daughter Chava (Miriam Riselle) accepted the proposal of her gentile suitor Fedye (Leon Liebgold), he and his clan will face difficult choices when forced to flee a pogrom. Adaptation of Aleichem's stage play co-stars Rebecca Weintraub, Paula Lubelski. 92 min. BW/Rtg: NR Overture To Glory (1940)The heralded voice of Vilnius cantor Yoel Strashunsky (Moyshe Oysher) attracted the notice of the Warsaw Opera, who wasted no time in tendering him a contract... and, to the shock and dismay of his family and commnunity, he accepted. Although he basks in the newfound fame and success, will personal tragedy bring down the curtain? Showcase vehicle for the legendary chazzan/entertainer co-stars Florence Weiss, Maurice Krohner, John Mylong; Max Nosseck directs. 82 min. BW/Rtg: NR American Matchmaker (1940)After eight broken engagements, well-off Nat Silver (Leo Fuchs) decided he had enough practical experience to go into the matchmaking business himself. Pretty soon, he's the most successful schadchen in New York-but what's his play when an attractive new client (Judith Abarbanel) would rather have him than his recommendation? Engaging charmer co-stars Judel Dubinsky, Anna Guskin; Edgar Ulmer directs. 85 min. BW/Rtg: NR Eli Eli (1940)Unable to make the mortgage payment, elderly New Jersey farm couple Hannah (Esther Field) and Mendel (Lazar Freed) hoped they could count on their adult son in New York and daughter in Philly for a bailout. Instead, they were told they had to sell off-and split up, with each being taken in by one of the kids' households. Will fate provide an out for the loneliness and despair that follows? Vehicle for radio's Yiddishe Mama Field co-stars Max Badin, Izidor Frankel. 88 min. BW/Rtg: NR Her Second Mother (1940)Adopted secretary Surele Polakoff (Esta Salzman) knew that company bookkeeper Ben Grossman (Dave Lubritsky) was no good, and wanted him to break off his relationship with her kid sister Bella (Margaret Schoenfeld). Days, later of course, he offers to whisk Bella away to South America on a $25,000 inheritance... which just happens to be how much is missing from the office safe! Joseph Seiden's shund musical-comedy with a Sholom Secunda score co-stars Max Badin, Rose Greenfield. 84 min. BW/Rtg: NR Motel The Operator (1940)Impoverished coat-sewer and new father Motel Friedman (Chaim Tauber) just wanted a better life for his family, and thought it would follow after he joined a labor stoppage. However, all he earned was a crippling beating by strikebreakers-and his wife (Malvina Rappel) would seek a tragic release from the destitution that followed. Melodrama adapted from Tauber's stage play also stars Seymour Rechzeit, Yetta Zwerling, Jacob Zanger, Maurice Krohner. 87 min. BW/Rtg: NR Three Daughters (1949)Acknowledged as the last American Yiddish-language feature film, this effort starred Michael Rosebaum as a put-upon suburban patriarch fighting a losing battle over assimilation with his progressive progeny. Charlotte Goldstein, Esta Salzman, Sacha Shaw, Rebecca Weintraub co-star; Joseph Seiden directs. 87 min. BW/Rtg: NR Standard; Soundtrack: Yiddish; Subtitles: English; audio commentary; The Dybbuk 99 min. Alternate cut; theatrical trailer. In Yiddish with English subtitles.The Jewish Soul: Ten Classics of Yiddish Cinema ブルーレイ 【輸入盤】

    Blu-ray BD 輸入版

    ◆タイトル: The Jewish Soul: Ten Classics of Yiddish Cinema◆現地発売日: 2020/11/24◆レーベル: Kino Classics◆その他スペック: BOXセット/英語字幕収録 輸入盤DVD/ブルーレイについて ・日本語は国内作品を除いて通常、収録されておりません。
    詳しくはこちら ◆言語: 英語 ◆字幕: 英語◆収録時間: 789分※商品画像はイメージです。
    Five-disc set includes: The Yiddish King Lear (1935)Prosperous Russian merchant David Moishele (Maurice Krohner) was ready for a retirement pilgrimage to the Holy Land, and to divide his worldly goods amongst his three daughters and their husbands-but his chosen disposition of his empire would generate nothing but heartache. Screen take on Jacob Gordin's Shakespeare transposition/Yiddish Theater staple also stars Fannie Levenstein, Jacob Bergreen, Miriam Grossman. 84 min. BW/Rtg: NR The Dybbuk (1937)Noted as one of the greatest Yiddish films ever made, this story of unfulfilled love and broken promises tells of how the spirit of a dead young man (Leon Liebgold) enters the body of his beloved (Lili Liliana) after the couple are kept apart by her stern rabbi father (Mojzesz Lipman). Spellbinding Polish adaptation of the S. Ansky play co-stars Avrom Morevski, Ajzyk Samberg. 123 min. BW/Rtg: NR Mir Kumen On (Children Must Laugh) (1938)Offering a rare glimpse into Polish-Jewish life prior to World War II-and sobering in retrospect-this fundraising documentary celebrated the activities of the Vladimir Medem Sanatorium, a rural Warsaw-region retreat for tubercular urban children maintained by the Labor Bund. Aleksander Ford directs. 61 min. BW/Rtg: NR Tevya (1939)A generation before Fiddler on the Roof, Yiddish Theater impresario Maurice Schwartz directed, scripted and starred as Sholom Aleichem's ever-challenged milkman of Tsarist Russia. Troubled when his daughter Chava (Miriam Riselle) accepted the proposal of her gentile suitor Fedye (Leon Liebgold), he and his clan will face difficult choices when forced to flee a pogrom. Adaptation of Aleichem's stage play co-stars Rebecca Weintraub, Paula Lubelski. 92 min. BW/Rtg: NR Overture To Glory (1940)The heralded voice of Vilnius cantor Yoel Strashunsky (Moyshe Oysher) attracted the notice of the Warsaw Opera, who wasted no time in tendering him a contract... and, to the shock and dismay of his family and commnunity, he accepted. Although he basks in the newfound fame and success, will personal tragedy bring down the curtain? Showcase vehicle for the legendary chazzan/entertainer co-stars Florence Weiss, Maurice Krohner, John Mylong; Max Nosseck directs. 82 min. BW/Rtg: NR American Matchmaker (1940)After eight broken engagements, well-off Nat Silver (Leo Fuchs) decided he had enough practical experience to go into the matchmaking business himself. Pretty soon, he's the most successful schadchen in New York-but what's his play when an attractive new client (Judith Abarbanel) would rather have him than his recommendation? Engaging charmer co-stars Judel Dubinsky, Anna Guskin; Edgar Ulmer directs. 85 min. BW/Rtg: NR Eli Eli (1940)Unable to make the mortgage payment, elderly New Jersey farm couple Hannah (Esther Field) and Mendel (Lazar Freed) hoped they could count on their adult son in New York and daughter in Philly for a bailout. Instead, they were told they had to sell off-and split up, with each being taken in by one of the kids' households. Will fate provide an out for the loneliness and despair that follows? Vehicle for radio's Yiddishe Mama Field co-stars Max Badin, Izidor Frankel. 88 min. BW/Rtg: NR Her Second Mother (1940)Adopted secretary Surele Polakoff (Esta Salzman) knew that company bookkeeper Ben Grossman (Dave Lubritsky) was no good, and wanted him to break off his relationship with her kid sister Bella (Margaret Schoenfeld). Days, later of course, he offers to whisk Bella away to South America on a $25,000 inheritance... which just happens to be how much is missing from the office safe! Joseph Seiden's shund musical-comedy with a Sholom Secunda score co-stars Max Badin, Rose Greenfield. 84 min. BW/Rtg: NR Motel The Operator (1940)Impoverished coat-sewer and new father Motel Friedman (Chaim Tauber) just wanted a better life for his family, and thought it would follow after he joined a labor stoppage. However, all he earned was a crippling beating by strikebreakers-and his wife (Malvina Rappel) would seek a tragic release from the destitution that followed. Melodrama adapted from Tauber's stage play also stars Seymour Rechzeit, Yetta Zwerling, Jacob Zanger, Maurice Krohner. 87 min. BW/Rtg: NR Three Daughters (1949)Acknowledged as the last American Yiddish-language feature film, this effort starred Michael Rosebaum as a put-upon suburban patriarch fighting a losing battle over assimilation with his progressive progeny. Charlotte Goldstein, Esta Salzman, Sacha Shaw, Rebecca Weintraub co-star; Joseph Seiden directs. 87 min. BW/Rtg: NR Standard; Soundtrack: Yiddish; Subtitles: English; audio commentary; The Dybbuk 99 min. Alternate cut; theatrical trailer. In Yiddish with English subtitles.The Jewish Soul: Ten Classics of Yiddish Cinema ブルーレイ 【輸入盤】

  • 楽天WORLD DISC PLACECinema of Discovery: Julien Duvivier in the 1920s ブルーレイ 【輸入盤】
    Cinema of Discovery: Julien Duvivier in the 1920s ブルーレイ 【輸入盤】

    Blu-ray BD 輸入版◆タイトル: Cinema of Discovery: Julien Duvivier in the 1920s◆現地発売日: 2022/01/07◆レーベル: Flicker Alley◆その他スペック: 英語字幕収録 輸入盤DVD/ブルーレイについて ・日本語は国内作品を除いて通常、収録されておりません。
    詳しくはこちら ◆収録時間: 857分※商品画像はイメージです。
    One of the most prolific and technically proficient filmmakers in cinema history, Julien Duvivier, was idolized by the likes of directors Jean Renoir, Ingmar Bergman, and Orson Welles. Duvivier's expressive use of the camera was primarily created under the influence of poetic realist style - in fact he did much to establish the technical and aesthetic standards of French poetic realism, which won him international acclaim. For a time, he was among cinema's most celebrated directors, receiving nominations and top prizes at notable international film competitions, including the Berlin International Film Festival, the Venice Film Festival, the National Board of Review, and New York Film Critics Circle Awards.Assembled in this Blu-ray disc collection are nine of Julien Duvivier's deeply moving and imaginative early feature films from the late 1920s that showcase his innovative and prominent contribution to film history. Red Head (Poil de Carotte, 1925) and Revelation aka The Agony of Jerusalem (L'Agonie de J?rusalem, 1927) depict characters grappling with challengingly painful life choices that many viewers will relate to. The Wedding of Mademoiselle Beulemans (Le mariage de mademoiselle Beulemans, 1927) and Mother Hummingbird (Mama Colibri, 1930) are both engrossing dramas of forbidden love, while The Whirlwind of Paris (Le Tourbillon de Paris, 1928) and The Miraculous Life of Th?r?se Martin (La Vie miraculeuse de Th?r?se Martin, 1929) portray characters pursuing their dreams and aspirations at any cost. The Mystery of the Eiffel Tower (Le Myst?re de la tour Eiffel, 1928), The Divine Voyage (La Divine Croisi?re, 1928), and Ladies' Paradise (Au bonheur des dames, 1930) are comprised of familial conflicts surrounding money, betrayal, and love. This collection covers a wide array of thematic journeys, expertly treated by a momentous filmmaker.These extraordinary restorations, which incorporate almost all original elements from surviving materials, have been completed by Lobster Films, with the support and collaboration of the CNC (Centre national du cin?ma et de L'image anim?e), the N?rodn? filmov? archiv (Prague), the Fondation J?r?me Seydoux-Path?, Cinematek (Cin?math?que royale de Belgique, Belgium), la Cin?math?que Fran?aise, le Cin?math?que de Toulouse, Cineteca di Bologna (Italy), d?partement de la Charente, Eye Filmmuseum (Netherlands), and the Gosfilmafond film archive (Russia).Cinema of Discovery: Julien Duvivier in the 1920s ブルーレイ 【輸入盤】

    Blu-ray BD 輸入版

    ◆タイトル: Cinema of Discovery: Julien Duvivier in the 1920s◆現地発売日: 2022/01/07◆レーベル: Flicker Alley◆その他スペック: 英語字幕収録 輸入盤DVD/ブルーレイについて ・日本語は国内作品を除いて通常、収録されておりません。
    詳しくはこちら ◆収録時間: 857分※商品画像はイメージです。
    One of the most prolific and technically proficient filmmakers in cinema history, Julien Duvivier, was idolized by the likes of directors Jean Renoir, Ingmar Bergman, and Orson Welles. Duvivier's expressive use of the camera was primarily created under the influence of poetic realist style - in fact he did much to establish the technical and aesthetic standards of French poetic realism, which won him international acclaim. For a time, he was among cinema's most celebrated directors, receiving nominations and top prizes at notable international film competitions, including the Berlin International Film Festival, the Venice Film Festival, the National Board of Review, and New York Film Critics Circle Awards.Assembled in this Blu-ray disc collection are nine of Julien Duvivier's deeply moving and imaginative early feature films from the late 1920s that showcase his innovative and prominent contribution to film history. Red Head (Poil de Carotte, 1925) and Revelation aka The Agony of Jerusalem (L'Agonie de J?rusalem, 1927) depict characters grappling with challengingly painful life choices that many viewers will relate to. The Wedding of Mademoiselle Beulemans (Le mariage de mademoiselle Beulemans, 1927) and Mother Hummingbird (Mama Colibri, 1930) are both engrossing dramas of forbidden love, while The Whirlwind of Paris (Le Tourbillon de Paris, 1928) and The Miraculous Life of Th?r?se Martin (La Vie miraculeuse de Th?r?se Martin, 1929) portray characters pursuing their dreams and aspirations at any cost. The Mystery of the Eiffel Tower (Le Myst?re de la tour Eiffel, 1928), The Divine Voyage (La Divine Croisi?re, 1928), and Ladies' Paradise (Au bonheur des dames, 1930) are comprised of familial conflicts surrounding money, betrayal, and love. This collection covers a wide array of thematic journeys, expertly treated by a momentous filmmaker.These extraordinary restorations, which incorporate almost all original elements from surviving materials, have been completed by Lobster Films, with the support and collaboration of the CNC (Centre national du cin?ma et de L'image anim?e), the N?rodn? filmov? archiv (Prague), the Fondation J?r?me Seydoux-Path?, Cinematek (Cin?math?que royale de Belgique, Belgium), la Cin?math?que Fran?aise, le Cin?math?que de Toulouse, Cineteca di Bologna (Italy), d?partement de la Charente, Eye Filmmuseum (Netherlands), and the Gosfilmafond film archive (Russia).Cinema of Discovery: Julien Duvivier in the 1920s ブルーレイ 【輸入盤】

  • 楽天WORLD DISC PLACEPioneers of African-American Cinema DVD 【輸入盤】
    Pioneers of African-American Cinema DVD 【輸入盤】

    DVD 輸入版◆タイトル: Pioneers of African-American Cinema◆現地発売日: 2016/07/26◆レーベル: Kino Classics◆その他スペック: 英語字幕収録 輸入盤DVD/ブルーレイについて ・日本語は国内作品を除いて通常、収録されておりません。
    詳しくはこちら ◆言語: 英語 ◆字幕: 英語◆収録時間: 952分※商品画像はイメージです。
    PIONEERS OF AFRICAN AMERICAN CINEMA - DVD - This collection of the historically vital works of America's legendary first African-American filmmakers is the only one of it's kind. Funded in part by a highly successful Kickstarter campaign, the packaged set includes no fewer than a dozen feature-length films and nearly twice as many shorts and rare fragments. Subject matter includes race issues that went unaddressed by Hollywood for decades. / Films: Birthright (1938), The Blood of Jesus (1941), Body and Soul (1925), The Bronze Buckaroo (1939), By Right of Birth (fragment, 1921), Commandment Keeper Church, Beaufort, South Carolina (excerpt, 1940), The Darktown Revue (1931), Dirty Gertie from Harlem USA (1946), Eleven P.M. (1930), The Exile (1931), The Flying Ace (1926), God s Stepchildren (1938), Heaven-Bound Traveler (1933), Hellbound Train (1930), Hot Biskits (1931), Mercy the Mummy Mumbled (1918), Regeneration (fragment, 1923), The Scar of Shame (1929), S.S. Jones Home Movies (1924-26), The Symbol of the Unconquered: A Story of the KKK (1920), Ten Minutes to Live (1932), Ten Nights in a Bar Room (1926), Two Knights of Vaudeville (1918), Veiled Aristocrats (1932), Verdict Not Guilty (1934), We Work Again (1937), Within Our Gates (1920) - Musical scores (for silent films) by Paul D. Miller (aka DJ Spooky), Max Roach, Samuel D. Waymon, the Mont Alto Motion Picture Orchestra, Donald Sosin, Makia Matsumura, Alloy Orchestra, Rob Gal, Andrew Simpson - Bonus Features: Optional English Subtitles, 80-page booklet with essays and detailed film notes, Interviews with series curators Charles Musser and Jacqueline Stewart, Documentary on the restoration of the films, Documentary on the restoration efforts of the Library of Congress, Archival interview with actors Ethel and Lucia Moses (1978), Tyler Texas Black Film Collection promo film (with Ossie Davis, 1985) and more!Pioneers of African-American Cinema DVD 【輸入盤】

    DVD 輸入版

    ◆タイトル: Pioneers of African-American Cinema◆現地発売日: 2016/07/26◆レーベル: Kino Classics◆その他スペック: 英語字幕収録 輸入盤DVD/ブルーレイについて ・日本語は国内作品を除いて通常、収録されておりません。
    詳しくはこちら ◆言語: 英語 ◆字幕: 英語◆収録時間: 952分※商品画像はイメージです。
    PIONEERS OF AFRICAN AMERICAN CINEMA - DVD - This collection of the historically vital works of America's legendary first African-American filmmakers is the only one of it's kind. Funded in part by a highly successful Kickstarter campaign, the packaged set includes no fewer than a dozen feature-length films and nearly twice as many shorts and rare fragments. Subject matter includes race issues that went unaddressed by Hollywood for decades. / Films: Birthright (1938), The Blood of Jesus (1941), Body and Soul (1925), The Bronze Buckaroo (1939), By Right of Birth (fragment, 1921), Commandment Keeper Church, Beaufort, South Carolina (excerpt, 1940), The Darktown Revue (1931), Dirty Gertie from Harlem USA (1946), Eleven P.M. (1930), The Exile (1931), The Flying Ace (1926), God s Stepchildren (1938), Heaven-Bound Traveler (1933), Hellbound Train (1930), Hot Biskits (1931), Mercy the Mummy Mumbled (1918), Regeneration (fragment, 1923), The Scar of Shame (1929), S.S. Jones Home Movies (1924-26), The Symbol of the Unconquered: A Story of the KKK (1920), Ten Minutes to Live (1932), Ten Nights in a Bar Room (1926), Two Knights of Vaudeville (1918), Veiled Aristocrats (1932), Verdict Not Guilty (1934), We Work Again (1937), Within Our Gates (1920) - Musical scores (for silent films) by Paul D. Miller (aka DJ Spooky), Max Roach, Samuel D. Waymon, the Mont Alto Motion Picture Orchestra, Donald Sosin, Makia Matsumura, Alloy Orchestra, Rob Gal, Andrew Simpson - Bonus Features: Optional English Subtitles, 80-page booklet with essays and detailed film notes, Interviews with series curators Charles Musser and Jacqueline Stewart, Documentary on the restoration of the films, Documentary on the restoration efforts of the Library of Congress, Archival interview with actors Ethel and Lucia Moses (1978), Tyler Texas Black Film Collection promo film (with Ossie Davis, 1985) and more!Pioneers of African-American Cinema DVD 【輸入盤】


    PS3、PS4、PS5は 初期設定で再生可能です。
    種別:BLU-RAYジャンル:Drama発売日:2020/9/29ディスク枚数:9コメント:Established by Martin Scorsese in 2007, the World Cinema Project has maintained a fierce commitment to preserving and presenting masterpieces from around the globe, with a growing roster of more than three dozen restorations that have introduced moviegoers to often-overlooked areas of cinema history. Presenting passionate stories of revolution, identity, agency, forgiveness, and exclusion, this collector's set gathers six of those important works, from Brazil (Pixote), Cuba (Lucia), Indonesia (After the Curfew), Iran (Downpour), Mauritania (Soleil O), and Mexico (Dos monjes). Each title is a pathbreaking contribution to the art form and a window onto a filmmaking tradition that international audiences previously had limited opportunities to experience.


    PS3、PS4、PS5は 初期設定で再生可能です。
    種別:BLU-RAYジャンル:Drama発売日:2020/9/29ディスク枚数:9コメント:Established by Martin Scorsese in 2007, the World Cinema Project has maintained a fierce commitment to preserving and presenting masterpieces from around the globe, with a growing roster of more than three dozen restorations that have introduced moviegoers to often-overlooked areas of cinema history. Presenting passionate stories of revolution, identity, agency, forgiveness, and exclusion, this collector's set gathers six of those important works, from Brazil (Pixote), Cuba (Lucia), Indonesia (After the Curfew), Iran (Downpour), Mauritania (Soleil O), and Mexico (Dos monjes). Each title is a pathbreaking contribution to the art form and a window onto a filmmaking tradition that international audiences previously had limited opportunities to experience.


    PS3、PS4、PS5は 初期設定で再生可能です。
    種別:BLU-RAYジャンル:Drama発売日:2017/5/30ディスク枚数:9コメント:Established by Martin Scorsese in 2007, the Film Foundation's World Cinema Project has maintained a passionate commitment to preserving and presenting masterpieces from around the globe, with a growing roster of more than two dozen restorations that have introduced moviegoers to often-overlooked areas of cinema history. This collector's set gathers six important works, from the Philippines (Insiang), Thailand (Mysterious Object at Noon), Soviet Kazakhstan (Revenge), Brazil (Limite), Turkey (Law of the Border), and Taiwan (Taipei Story). Each title is an essential contribution to the art form and a window onto a filmmaking tradition that international audiences previously had limited opportunities to experience.


    PS3、PS4、PS5は 初期設定で再生可能です。
    種別:BLU-RAYジャンル:Drama発売日:2017/5/30ディスク枚数:9コメント:Established by Martin Scorsese in 2007, the Film Foundation's World Cinema Project has maintained a passionate commitment to preserving and presenting masterpieces from around the globe, with a growing roster of more than two dozen restorations that have introduced moviegoers to often-overlooked areas of cinema history. This collector's set gathers six important works, from the Philippines (Insiang), Thailand (Mysterious Object at Noon), Soviet Kazakhstan (Revenge), Brazil (Limite), Turkey (Law of the Border), and Taiwan (Taipei Story). Each title is an essential contribution to the art form and a window onto a filmmaking tradition that international audiences previously had limited opportunities to experience.

  • 楽天Come to Store【中古】F’s CINEMA + Spring Fever [DVD]
    【中古】F’s CINEMA + Spring Fever [DVD]
    楽天Come to Store

    【中古】F’s CINEMA + Spring Fever [DVD]【メーカー名】SMA(SME)(D)【メーカー型番】【ブランド名】【商品説明】【中古】F’s CINEMA + Spring Fever [DVD]・中古品(ユーズド品)について商品画像はイメージです。

    【中古】F’s CINEMA + Spring Fever [DVD]【メーカー名】SMA(SME)(D)【メーカー型番】【ブランド名】【商品説明】【中古】F’s CINEMA + Spring Fever [DVD]・中古品(ユーズド品)について商品画像はイメージです。

  • 楽天WORLD DISC PLACEAfter Dark: Neo-Noir Cinema: Collection Two ブルーレイ 【輸入盤】
    After Dark: Neo-Noir Cinema: Collection Two ブルーレイ 【輸入盤】

    Blu-ray BD 輸入版◆タイトル: After Dark: Neo-Noir Cinema: Collection Two◆現地発売日: 2022/12/16◆レーベル: Imprint◆その他スペック: Limited Edition (限定版)/輸入:オーストラリア 輸入盤DVD/ブルーレイについて ・日本語は国内作品を除いて通常、収録されておりません。
    詳しくはこちら ※商品画像はイメージです。
    SIX CLASSIC NEO-NOIR THRILLERS.Take a journey into the shadowy world of Neo Noir Cinema with Collection Two, bringing together some of the best directors in cinema including Kathryn Bigelow, Mike Figgis, James Gray, Joe Carnahan & more.Blue Steel (1990)Internal Affairs (1990)Crimson Rivers (2000)The Way of the Gun (2000)The Yards (2000)Narc (2002)Limited Edition 7 Disc Hardbox with 80-page booklet, featuring essays from film critics Peter Galvin, Blake Howard & Alexei Toliopoulos. 1500 copies only.Blue Steel (1990) - Imprint Collection #178Rookie cop Megan Turner (Jamie Lee Curtis) orders a burglar to drop his gun. He whirls to shoot. Too late. Turner fires, killing him instantly. But she doesn't know that someone has been watching. And when that someone lifts the assailant's gun from the crime scene, carves Turner's name into the bullets and uses them in a series of murders, Turner is drawn into a deadly game of wits with a psychopath who's always one step ahead and much closer than she thinks!This psychological thriller vividly depicts a female cop's mental and physical struggles with an obsessed psychopathic killer.Directed by Kathryn Bigelow and starring Jamie Lee Curtis, Ron Silver, Clancy Brown, Elizabeth Pe a & Louise Fletcher.Special Features and Technical Specs:1080p High-definition presentation on Blu-rayMore features to be announcedOriginal Aspect Ratio 1.78:1Audio English LPCM 2.0 StereoOptional English subtitles-Internal Affairs (1990) - Imprint Collection #179Dennis Peck knows his way around the law. He can launder money, run a scam, fix a bad rap. He can even, for the right price, arrange a murder. Trust me, he says, I'm a cop. Richard Gere is Peck and Andy Garcia is Raymond Avila, the investigator determined to bring Peck to justice in this supercharged police thriller. Peck isn't going down without a fight.Directed by Mike Figgis and starring Richard Gere, Andy Garcia, Laurie Metcalf & Nancy Travis.Special Features and Technical Specs:1080p High-definition presentation on Blu-rayNEW Interview with director Mike FiggisNEW Interview with screenwriter Henry BeanNEW Interview with co-composer Anthony MarinelliMore features to be announcedTrailerAspect Ratio 1.78:1Audio English DTS-HD 5.1 Surround + LPCM 2.0 StereoOptional English subtitles-Crimson Rivers (2000) - Imprint Collection #180When Commissaire Pierre Niemans (Jean Reno), France's leading serial killer investigator, is called to investigate a grisly murder, he enters a world of secrets, lies and unthinkable horrors. The dead, whose hands and eyes have been removed, are clues to a terrible tradition the killer can no longer bear. Each murder means something more; each victim, a guilty conspirator in a grand immoral experiment. Filled with blood-chilling suspense, twisted turns and breathtaking locations, this tense thriller has the style, action and intelligence to keep you wondering what's really happening right up until the shocking conclusion.Starring Jean Reno, Vincent Cassel, Nadia Fares & Dominique Sanda.Special Features and Technical Specs:1080p High-definition presentation on Blu-rayAudio commentary by actors Jean Reno & Vincent CasselIsolated music score with optional commentary by audio composer Bruno CoulaisThe Investigation - documentaryThe Scalpel Scene - featurette with optional commentary (2000)The Making of a Corpse - featurette (2000)The Fight: Challenging Filming - featurette (2000)Night Time Filming - featuretteThe Chase - storyboard comparisons with optional commentaryFilming in Altitude - featuretteWhite Rivers - featuretteThe Avalanche - multi-angle featuretteArchives From Thierry Flamand: Production DesignerImage GalleriesTrailerAspect Ratio 2.35:1Audio Original French DTS-HD 5.1English subtitles-The Way of the Gun (2000) - Imprint Collection #181Longtime partners Parker and Longbaugh are hoping for a quick and nonviolent payoff when they abduct Robin, a young woman carrying the child of a wealthy Southwestern couple. But kidnapping proves to be much more complicated, logistically and psychologically, than other felonies they've committed. Parker is increasingly drawn to the mysterious Robin, whose imminent delivery date awakens strong feelings in him. Tensions rise between Parker and Longbaugh, a ruthlessly decisive man who knows Parker's sentimental impulses could land them in big trouble. As the moment for the ransom exchange approaches, Parker and Longbaugh must battle not only well-armed opponents, but also their own conflicted emotions.Directed by Christopher McQuarrie and starring Ryan Phillippe, Benicio Del Toro, Taye Diggs, James Caan & Juliette Lewis.Special Features and Technical Specs:1080p High-definition presentation on Blu-rayNEW Audio commentary by film historian Travis WoodsAudio commentary by director Christopher McQuarrie and composer Joe KraemerAudio commentary by composer Joe KraemerCast interviewsTV spotBehind-the-scenes footageStoryboards and script of a deleted sceneIsolated music scoreMore features to be announcedAspect Ratio 1.78:1Audio English DTS-HD 5.1 Surround + LPCM 2.0 StereoOptional English HOH subtitles-The Yards (2000) - Imprint Collection #182Released from prison after taking the fall for a group of his friends, Leo Handler (Mark Wahlberg) just wants to get his life back on track. But when he takes a job with his powerfully influential Uncle Frank (James Caan) and reconnects with his old friend Willie (Joaquin Phoenix), Leo finds himself unwittingly drawn into a world of sabotage, high-stakes payoffs, and even murder! Then, he discovers a secret that makes him the target of the city's most ruthless family, his own!Directed by James Gray and starring Mark Wahlberg, Joaquin Phoenix, Charlize Theron, Faye Dunaway, Ellen Burstyn & James Caan.Special Features and Technical Specs: Disc One - Theatrical Version1080p High-definition presentation on Blu-rayNEW Interview with director James GreyNEW Interview with actress Ellen BurstynNEW Interview with production designer Kevin ThompsonMore features to be announcedAudio commentary by writer/director James GrayRoundtable discussion with Charlize Theron, Mark Wahlberg, James Caan and James Gray8 deleted scenes, with optional commentary by James GrayVisualizing The Yards - featuretteBehind-the-scenes - featuretteOriginal Concept ArtTheatrical TrailerOriginal Aspect Ratio 2.40:1Audio English DTS-HD 5.1 Surround + LPCM 2.0 StereoOptional English HOH subtitlesSpecial Features and Technical Specs: Disc Two - Director's Cut1080p High-definition presentation on Blu-rayAudio commentary by writer/director James Gray and filmmaker Steven SoderberghOriginal aspect ratio 2:40:1Audio English DTS-HD 5.1 Surround + LPCM 2.0 StereoOptional English HOH subtitles-Narc (2002) - Imprint Collection #183Narc tells the story of suspended undercover narcotics officer, Nick Tellis (Patric), who is reluctantly drawn back onto the force to find the truth behind the murder of a young police officer killed in the line of duty. He is teamed with Henry Oak (Liotta), the slain officer's partner, a rogue cop who will stop at nothing to avenge his friend's death. As Tellis and Oak unravel the case, the dark underbelly of the narcotics world reveals itself in surprising ways that are more twisted than either officer has ever seen before and threatens to destroy them both.Directed by Joe Carnaghan and starring Ray Liotta, Jason Patric, Chi McBride, Busta Rhymes & John Ortiz.Special Features and Technical Specs:1080p High-definition presentation on Blu-rayMore features to be announcedAudio commentary by writer/director Joe Carnaghan and editor John GilroyNarc: Making The Deal - featuretteNarc: Shooting Up - featuretteNarc: The Visual Trip - feaAfter Dark: Neo-Noir Cinema: Collection Two ブルーレイ 【輸入盤】

    Blu-ray BD 輸入版

    ◆タイトル: After Dark: Neo-Noir Cinema: Collection Two◆現地発売日: 2022/12/16◆レーベル: Imprint◆その他スペック: Limited Edition (限定版)/輸入:オーストラリア 輸入盤DVD/ブルーレイについて ・日本語は国内作品を除いて通常、収録されておりません。
    詳しくはこちら ※商品画像はイメージです。
    SIX CLASSIC NEO-NOIR THRILLERS.Take a journey into the shadowy world of Neo Noir Cinema with Collection Two, bringing together some of the best directors in cinema including Kathryn Bigelow, Mike Figgis, James Gray, Joe Carnahan & more.Blue Steel (1990)Internal Affairs (1990)Crimson Rivers (2000)The Way of the Gun (2000)The Yards (2000)Narc (2002)Limited Edition 7 Disc Hardbox with 80-page booklet, featuring essays from film critics Peter Galvin, Blake Howard & Alexei Toliopoulos. 1500 copies only.Blue Steel (1990) - Imprint Collection #178Rookie cop Megan Turner (Jamie Lee Curtis) orders a burglar to drop his gun. He whirls to shoot. Too late. Turner fires, killing him instantly. But she doesn't know that someone has been watching. And when that someone lifts the assailant's gun from the crime scene, carves Turner's name into the bullets and uses them in a series of murders, Turner is drawn into a deadly game of wits with a psychopath who's always one step ahead and much closer than she thinks!This psychological thriller vividly depicts a female cop's mental and physical struggles with an obsessed psychopathic killer.Directed by Kathryn Bigelow and starring Jamie Lee Curtis, Ron Silver, Clancy Brown, Elizabeth Pe a & Louise Fletcher.Special Features and Technical Specs:1080p High-definition presentation on Blu-rayMore features to be announcedOriginal Aspect Ratio 1.78:1Audio English LPCM 2.0 StereoOptional English subtitles-Internal Affairs (1990) - Imprint Collection #179Dennis Peck knows his way around the law. He can launder money, run a scam, fix a bad rap. He can even, for the right price, arrange a murder. Trust me, he says, I'm a cop. Richard Gere is Peck and Andy Garcia is Raymond Avila, the investigator determined to bring Peck to justice in this supercharged police thriller. Peck isn't going down without a fight.Directed by Mike Figgis and starring Richard Gere, Andy Garcia, Laurie Metcalf & Nancy Travis.Special Features and Technical Specs:1080p High-definition presentation on Blu-rayNEW Interview with director Mike FiggisNEW Interview with screenwriter Henry BeanNEW Interview with co-composer Anthony MarinelliMore features to be announcedTrailerAspect Ratio 1.78:1Audio English DTS-HD 5.1 Surround + LPCM 2.0 StereoOptional English subtitles-Crimson Rivers (2000) - Imprint Collection #180When Commissaire Pierre Niemans (Jean Reno), France's leading serial killer investigator, is called to investigate a grisly murder, he enters a world of secrets, lies and unthinkable horrors. The dead, whose hands and eyes have been removed, are clues to a terrible tradition the killer can no longer bear. Each murder means something more; each victim, a guilty conspirator in a grand immoral experiment. Filled with blood-chilling suspense, twisted turns and breathtaking locations, this tense thriller has the style, action and intelligence to keep you wondering what's really happening right up until the shocking conclusion.Starring Jean Reno, Vincent Cassel, Nadia Fares & Dominique Sanda.Special Features and Technical Specs:1080p High-definition presentation on Blu-rayAudio commentary by actors Jean Reno & Vincent CasselIsolated music score with optional commentary by audio composer Bruno CoulaisThe Investigation - documentaryThe Scalpel Scene - featurette with optional commentary (2000)The Making of a Corpse - featurette (2000)The Fight: Challenging Filming - featurette (2000)Night Time Filming - featuretteThe Chase - storyboard comparisons with optional commentaryFilming in Altitude - featuretteWhite Rivers - featuretteThe Avalanche - multi-angle featuretteArchives From Thierry Flamand: Production DesignerImage GalleriesTrailerAspect Ratio 2.35:1Audio Original French DTS-HD 5.1English subtitles-The Way of the Gun (2000) - Imprint Collection #181Longtime partners Parker and Longbaugh are hoping for a quick and nonviolent payoff when they abduct Robin, a young woman carrying the child of a wealthy Southwestern couple. But kidnapping proves to be much more complicated, logistically and psychologically, than other felonies they've committed. Parker is increasingly drawn to the mysterious Robin, whose imminent delivery date awakens strong feelings in him. Tensions rise between Parker and Longbaugh, a ruthlessly decisive man who knows Parker's sentimental impulses could land them in big trouble. As the moment for the ransom exchange approaches, Parker and Longbaugh must battle not only well-armed opponents, but also their own conflicted emotions.Directed by Christopher McQuarrie and starring Ryan Phillippe, Benicio Del Toro, Taye Diggs, James Caan & Juliette Lewis.Special Features and Technical Specs:1080p High-definition presentation on Blu-rayNEW Audio commentary by film historian Travis WoodsAudio commentary by director Christopher McQuarrie and composer Joe KraemerAudio commentary by composer Joe KraemerCast interviewsTV spotBehind-the-scenes footageStoryboards and script of a deleted sceneIsolated music scoreMore features to be announcedAspect Ratio 1.78:1Audio English DTS-HD 5.1 Surround + LPCM 2.0 StereoOptional English HOH subtitles-The Yards (2000) - Imprint Collection #182Released from prison after taking the fall for a group of his friends, Leo Handler (Mark Wahlberg) just wants to get his life back on track. But when he takes a job with his powerfully influential Uncle Frank (James Caan) and reconnects with his old friend Willie (Joaquin Phoenix), Leo finds himself unwittingly drawn into a world of sabotage, high-stakes payoffs, and even murder! Then, he discovers a secret that makes him the target of the city's most ruthless family, his own!Directed by James Gray and starring Mark Wahlberg, Joaquin Phoenix, Charlize Theron, Faye Dunaway, Ellen Burstyn & James Caan.Special Features and Technical Specs: Disc One - Theatrical Version1080p High-definition presentation on Blu-rayNEW Interview with director James GreyNEW Interview with actress Ellen BurstynNEW Interview with production designer Kevin ThompsonMore features to be announcedAudio commentary by writer/director James GrayRoundtable discussion with Charlize Theron, Mark Wahlberg, James Caan and James Gray8 deleted scenes, with optional commentary by James GrayVisualizing The Yards - featuretteBehind-the-scenes - featuretteOriginal Concept ArtTheatrical TrailerOriginal Aspect Ratio 2.40:1Audio English DTS-HD 5.1 Surround + LPCM 2.0 StereoOptional English HOH subtitlesSpecial Features and Technical Specs: Disc Two - Director's Cut1080p High-definition presentation on Blu-rayAudio commentary by writer/director James Gray and filmmaker Steven SoderberghOriginal aspect ratio 2:40:1Audio English DTS-HD 5.1 Surround + LPCM 2.0 StereoOptional English HOH subtitles-Narc (2002) - Imprint Collection #183Narc tells the story of suspended undercover narcotics officer, Nick Tellis (Patric), who is reluctantly drawn back onto the force to find the truth behind the murder of a young police officer killed in the line of duty. He is teamed with Henry Oak (Liotta), the slain officer's partner, a rogue cop who will stop at nothing to avenge his friend's death. As Tellis and Oak unravel the case, the dark underbelly of the narcotics world reveals itself in surprising ways that are more twisted than either officer has ever seen before and threatens to destroy them both.Directed by Joe Carnaghan and starring Ray Liotta, Jason Patric, Chi McBride, Busta Rhymes & John Ortiz.Special Features and Technical Specs:1080p High-definition presentation on Blu-rayMore features to be announcedAudio commentary by writer/director Joe Carnaghan and editor John GilroyNarc: Making The Deal - featuretteNarc: Shooting Up - featuretteNarc: The Visual Trip - feaAfter Dark: Neo-Noir Cinema: Collection Two ブルーレイ 【輸入盤】


    PS3、PS4、PS5は 初期設定で再生可能です。
    種別:BLU-RAYジャンル:DramaForeign-Swedish発売日:2018/11/20ディスク枚数:30コメント:Thirty-disc set includes "Crisis," "A Ship to India," "Port of Call," "Thirst," "To Joy," "Summer Interlude," "Waiting Women," "Summer with Monika," "Sawdust and Tinsel," "A Lesson in Love," "Dreams," "Smiles of a Summer Night," "The Seventh Seal," "Wild Strawberries," "Brink of Life," "The Magician," "The Virgin Spring," "The Devil's Eye," "Through a Glass Darkly," "Winter Light," "The Silence," "All These Women," "Persona," "Hour of the Wolf," "Shame," "The Rite," "The Passion of Anna," "Faro Document," "The Touch," "Cries and Whispers," "Scenes from a Marriage" (television version), "Scenes from a Marriage" (U.S. theatrical version), "The Magic Flute," "The Serpent's Egg," "Autumn Sonata," "Faro Document 1979," "From the Life of the Marionettes," "Fanny and Alexander" (theatrical version) (1982), "Fanny and Alexander" (television version) (1983), "After the Rehearsal," and "Saraband." Standard/Widescreen; Soundtrack: Swedish; Subtitles: English; audio commentary; interviews; documentary shorts; documentaries; behind-the-scenes footage; video essays; theatrical trailers; photo gallery; more.


    PS3、PS4、PS5は 初期設定で再生可能です。
    種別:BLU-RAYジャンル:DramaForeign-Swedish発売日:2018/11/20ディスク枚数:30コメント:Thirty-disc set includes "Crisis," "A Ship to India," "Port of Call," "Thirst," "To Joy," "Summer Interlude," "Waiting Women," "Summer with Monika," "Sawdust and Tinsel," "A Lesson in Love," "Dreams," "Smiles of a Summer Night," "The Seventh Seal," "Wild Strawberries," "Brink of Life," "The Magician," "The Virgin Spring," "The Devil's Eye," "Through a Glass Darkly," "Winter Light," "The Silence," "All These Women," "Persona," "Hour of the Wolf," "Shame," "The Rite," "The Passion of Anna," "Faro Document," "The Touch," "Cries and Whispers," "Scenes from a Marriage" (television version), "Scenes from a Marriage" (U.S. theatrical version), "The Magic Flute," "The Serpent's Egg," "Autumn Sonata," "Faro Document 1979," "From the Life of the Marionettes," "Fanny and Alexander" (theatrical version) (1982), "Fanny and Alexander" (television version) (1983), "After the Rehearsal," and "Saraband." Standard/Widescreen; Soundtrack: Swedish; Subtitles: English; audio commentary; interviews; documentary shorts; documentaries; behind-the-scenes footage; video essays; theatrical trailers; photo gallery; more.
